Friday, February 3, 2012

The Top 18 Things I Am Grateful For

  1. Jesus Christ. King of the kings.
  2. My Parents. Their undying love amazed me. Especially my beloved daddy, for providing food in my stomach, a roof over my head, and the never-ending precious advices.
  3. My whole entire family. We sure know how to have a great time together.
  4. My boyfriend. For he is truly the light of my life, even when he drives me nuts.
  5. My best friends. We take care each other.
  6. My bedroom. As my private zone.
  7. My DELL Laptop. Needed it all the time.
  8. My Canon Powershot A480. Captured all moments in my life.
  9. My Blog. Made me never stop to learn.
  10. Diana Rikasari's blog. Truly inspired me about blog's world.
  11. My Blackberry. Ping! all of you :)
  12. The Internet. The world seemed to be in my grasp.
  13. Music. Cheer up my mood.
  14. Chocolate. Truly medicine for bad mood.
  15. Boutiques. Made me look more stylish.
  16. Beauty center. Beautified me.
  17. Car. Protected me from the rain during the trip.
  18. Beach. The most beautiful views, as far as the eye could see.

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